Saturday, March 16, 2013


Do you want to know why I put the picture there? Some of you might think that the composition is not good because it's heavier in the left side. So here's the meaning behind that:

Try to imagine the flower as good things and the plain dark wall as bad things. 

In life, good things happen and so do the bad ones.We lose something, we gain something. We give something and we receive something too. It's like a chain of actions and reactions. I actually don't want the bad things and good things to be balance. Less bad things and more great things would be great :) But can we choose that? Can we choose to be happy?
People love to say "I want to be happy and successful!" and I thought it was an optimistic thought, although it's obviously naive. And for the first time in my life, I heard someone said, "that is so ridiculous! There's no way a person can feel happy and successful in one exact time. To succeed means to have what we've always wanted, and to be happy means to want all that we've already had." I've heard about the second statement before, it says "Happiness is not about having what you want but wanting what you have" but I never thought about the first statement. I'll think about it later....

All that I can assume form the statements is if you want to be happy, all you have to do is changing your mind set. I know it's not easy, but if there's a will then there's a way. Actually, there are more than a way, it's just a matter of choice. But honestly, I have to admit that being happy all the time is not a choice. Being grateful is good, but to be held back because of it is not always good. Sometimes you have to get out from your comfort zone and fall and bleed and cry and... fight. And it means you have to let go the happiness.

So let me change the question. Should we choose to be happy?