Saturday, October 13, 2012


Hannah Montana once said, "They say that good things take time, but really great things happen in a blink of an eye" in a song called One In a Million.

Talking about great things, they are so unpredictable, so inexplicable, and so... so unexpected! There's always an I-didn't-know-it-would-turn-out-like-this in every great things. It's like saying, "I never thought this stranger would become one of the most important person in my life now!"

The only thing I hate about great things is most of them end sooner or later. Great things happened so fast that we can barely feel it happening. They seemed so fast, so hard to remember, and in some cases, they became too sad to be remembered. And everything went blurry.

Friday, October 12, 2012

One Step Closer

Suramadu Bridge, Surabaya-Madura, Indonesia

You know, I feel like yesterday I was still a junior high student. But today, I attended my senior high school's education fair (edufair), looking for the right university to continue my study when I graduate senior high. Time flies by too fast, I suppose.

I remember when I was still at elementary school, my parents and my sister attended this edufair. It was so crowded and I didn't understand a thing about the universities' presentations. And now, I am attending this fair. Two years later I'll have to choose the right university and faculty, but now I still barely understand about those kinds of things. People asked me what I wanted to be in the future. When I was a kid, I answered that I wanted to be a pilot. When I was older I said I wanted to be a detective. After that I wanted to be an artist, a photographer, or a chef, even though I really am bad at cooking. And these days if people ask me that question, I answer, "I don't know yet." So now I'm officially wanting to be an i-don't-know-yet.

I always know I can be whatever I want to be. But I actually haven't find out what I want to be. I like drawing, taking pictures, writing, singing, filming, eating, sleeping, recording songs, painting, observing, talking, designing things and all. But that is what I like to do, not what I want to do. Of course people want to do what they like to do. But not all of them want to be what they would like to be. So even if I like drawing and I'm good at drawing, that doesn't mean I want to be an artist, right? For some people, this would sounds so weird, but for me it just makes sense.

You know why I put the picture about bridge above? It's because thinking about the future is like one step closer to the land across the sea. I know there is still a long long way to go, but  there is something big at the end of the bridge. Mega spirit everyone!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

To Be Free

 If this monkey could talk, what would it say? Probably "I wanna get out from this cage! You, yeah you, the girl with the camera, please free me!!" But guessing from the look he gave me when I captured this photo, it was more like, "Help me..." More full of sadness and despair than anger and the spirit to be free.

I bet you guys sometimes feel the same way like this monkey feel (although I don't really know what did the monkey felt, but let's just assume that he was desperate to get out from that cage)

Wanted to be free, but locked in an invisible cage. Desperately wanted to go, but nobody volunteered to help you. Fortunately, we aren't monkeys. We have a voice. We have the right to be heard. We can ask people to help us, not just sit silently waiting to be saved by a prince climbing up the tower. So please, use your voice, speak louder.